Tuesday, November 11, 2008


So I wrote this "book" WAY back in 2003! I went through several "ups" and "downs", with several different publishers. Actually, the first publishing house I submitted it to (I won’t name names) contacted me back within a week of them reading it. The editor loved it and called me in for a very promising meeting. She said that she can see her publishing house accepting my book, and would go ahead and get the first “steps” in place, but the “final decision maker” was on leave until the end of the year. She gave me contracts to look through, and I waited to hear back.

Kind of stupid I guess, but I was hopeful. Well, I did hear back form them, almost a year later, and they informed me that the “final decision maker” did not like it. Oh well. So I continued on, with plenty of empty promises, and let downs. It is now 2008! Almost 2009!!!! I still feel this is a message that “needs to get out”. So I have decided just to put it online. It’s probably better anyways, because I like little details like putting words in ALL CAPS and doing more than one explanation mark when I REALLY mean something…yeah, and I have been told publishing houses do not allow stuff like that.

Anyways, of course things have changed since I wrote this book; both in me, in Cape Town and even with the situation of the children living on the streets. But I just decided to leave it be and let the “story” of my situations tell themselves. Even with my personal ideals that may have changed, the ever evolving situation of homeless children in Cape Town, and the quickly developing city itself, I hope you will be touched by the message of these stories and experiences. So here it is; probably not always grammatically correct, very raw, tons of explanation points, plenty of ALL CAPS, and simply my experiences with some of the most amazing people I have ever met!


Unknown said...

YAY Ryan!!!!

I have been waiting for this book since I first bought your CD in 2006 at my professional declaration ceremony at UCT (well it was around about that time that Margie told me about it).

Cant wait to get reading!!!!

Kerryn Rehse

Unknown said...

P.S. As you can see I also like exclamation marks, LOL!!!